Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thoughts on Weddings

Image result for wedding

Weddings. The magical moment where you and the (hopefully) love of your life are signing a contract that you will be with each-other forever... 

The fancy white dress, the way everything needs to go "perfectly". And spending THOUSANDS of dollars on something that everyone who was invited will criticize. It has become way too over rated. I understand that its everyone's own choice in what they are doing with their lives. But I just don't understand it. Why? Why such energy going into something so silly?

Yes, I am married, but no. I did not have a wedding. I didn't want one. My husband didn't want one. We just used our time and money towards something that is going to be a lot more useful. This all just slips my mind... Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What's the Difference?

Well, I'm not much different than the next girl who is my age. I still like to do my hair, my nails. I enjoy cooking and baking. I still have the responsibilities of an adult in our times now. I have a husband, a house, a job, hopes and dreams just like anyone else.

But I am a witch. I have the knowledge of myself and my past lives. My beliefs are of this earth and energies. And I am more in-touch with my abilities and potential. I love who I am and how my life journey took me here. So hopefully throughout this blog (if i have the time to keep up with it) Ill be able to give a little sneak peek into what a witch goes through. 

Image result for intricate pentacle

What is a Witch

For today I just want to make a simple post about what it is to be a witch. I get asked this question quite a lot and I sometimes cannot come up with an answer right away. With doing some meditating on it I think I have come up with my explanation of what it means to be a witch. Now do not take anything the wrong way, for this is just my own small opinion. :)

Being a witch means you understand the earth, or you are striving towards understand it. You feel the energies all around you, you feel what it means to be alive. Most of the time this feeling come from within and not through studies. I would say a  true witch is born with this understating and not really achieved. I do not want this to be taken the wrong way, or for it to offend anyone. But knowing the earth and knowing the energies has to come from a deeper level than reading it in a book.

Being a witch means you are dedicated to knowledge. You are striving towards making your mind better and learning all there is to know. Spending hours on researching a topic and coming up with your own views and ideas for how things work. You do not just read something and be able to regurgitate the information, you truly understand it.

Being a witch means you follow the laws of the universe. Not the threefold law, or the laws of physics per-say, or the laws in place by where you live. But the laws of the universe on a deeper level. You understand what you are doing. You understand the consequences. You understand what power magick can bring and what destruction it can do at the same time. You understand that whatever energies are put out have to go somewhere and not just disappear.

Being a witch means you have your own mind. You do not blindly follow someone elses ideas and plans. You stand tall in your own way. With confidence in who you are and what you do. You do not shy away from expressing yourself nor are you afraid of what others might think. You have a brilliant mind which you are not afraid to use.

And most of all

Being a witch is just that... its being who you are. :)